20 November, 2008

Town embarrassment: sugar beat factory

The Sugar Beat Factory. Smelly, ugly, and giving this podunk town a bad rep with visitors ("Ew, WHAT is that smell?!" )
I have compiled a list of favorite adjectives for this unfavorable factory:
putrid, repugnant, phantasmagorical, hassle, unnecessary, humongous, rank.
These words have inspired an ongoing story:
"Awakening to the lulling whir of train cars rushing over nearby tracks, with toes peeking out the end of the covers, Emily uncompromisingly pulled open her eyelids. It was early enough that there would be no rush in her morning routine, so she took her time rising to her feet. She washed, brushed, dressed, and gathered items for the day ahead before heading to Safeway for an assagio bagel. Into the geo Em went. Though obeying the speed limit at all times, it wasn't long before she reached Alco Road, which would lead straight to the town Sugar Beat Factory. While rounding a curve in the road, a fowl stench lurked into the vehicle. Tears began to fill her eyes, her nose screamed to her, "Turn around!" But Emily had to ignore her aching body, no matter which anatomical part spontaneously acquired human-like qualities. Past the cemetary, finally in view now was the factory of horror. "...

If I were to ever finish this, it would conclude somewhat along the lines of "the sugar beats came to life and attacked Emily! She tried to run but the beast's looming towers took hold of her feet and held tightly until....She was swallowed completely by the Sugar Beat Factory and burped out as a mere cloud of smoke."

Photo by Alison Noon

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